26611: "A problem caused to stop working correctly."

26611: "A problem caused to stop working correctly."

“A problem caused to stop working correctly” Error can be solved by following the below steps.


In order to fix this issue, you need to remove KB3132372 update by following these steps:

1.    Open Control Panel.

2.    click on Programs and Features.

3.    just look for update KB3132372.

4.    After you’ve found the update, uninstall it.

5.    Restart your computer.


Make sure Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service is running to do that.


6.    Press Windows Key + R and type services.msc. Press Enteror click OK.

7.     locate Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) service and double click it.

8.    Locate Startup Type section and check if it’s set to Automatic. If it’s not, use the dropdown menu and set the Startup Type to Automatic.

9.    click the Recovery tab. Find the First Failure section and choose Restart the Service from the menu.

10. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

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