The rules highlighted in green are currently working and the one highlighted in yellow are the rules that are going to be changed very soon.
In addition to the below, we are communicating with sabre for tickets that are purchased with cash FOPs to work for an online exchange.
o not.hoursFromBooking[0.5] --> is not within 30 min of PNR creation
o not.noFlightSegments --> is not an itinerary with segment different than flight segments
o not.noConfirmedSegments --> all segments are confirmed
o not.onHoldPayment --> is not On Hold payment
o hasETicket --> reservation has a valid ticket
o not.usedTicket --> tickets are not used à this is a work around issue to work only for partially used tickets
o not.unknownTicket --> ticket status is known (not ctrl / etc)
o not.multipleFormsOfPaymentWithBT --> fop is not multiple fop
o not.ancillaries --> does not have ancillaries
o timeBeforeDeparture[24] --> time to departure is more than 24hsà this is a work around issue to work for partially used tickets
o not.redemptionBooking --> is not a redemption booking
o not.carBookingForMorAirline--> is not a car rental itinerary
o not.morWithHotel --> is not HTL reservation
o not.bnpl --> is not BNPL
o not.noFlightSegments --> is not an itinerary with segment different than flight segments
o not.noConfirmedSegments --> all segments are confirmed
o not.onHoldPayment --> is not On Hold payment
o hasETicket --> reservation has a valid ticket
o not.usedTicket --> tickets are not used
o not.unknownTicket --> ticket status is known (not ctrl / etc)
o not.multipleFormsOfPaymentWithBT --> fop is not multiple fop
o not.ancillaries --> does not have ancillaries
o timeBeforeDeparture[24] --> time to departure is more than 24hs
o not.redemptionBooking --> is not a redemption booking
o not.carBookingForMorAirline--> is not a car rental itinerary
o not.morWithHotel --> is not HTL reservation
o not.bnpl --> is not BNPL
o not.pseudoCity[TTY] --> is not an TTY booking