INVALID GATE NUMBER  Error on specific PCC

INVALID GATE NUMBER  Error on specific PCC

When ¥INVALID GATE NUMBER for PCC   Error show up on the Sabre follow the below steps .

 GC*GATE/PCC/DGGateNumberà-----------------------------to see the Gate was available on Gate table or not.       

GATE TABLE                

 NO DATA FOR THIS SELECTIONà--------------Gate number was not created on selected PCC.


1st GC/GATE/PCC/DGGateNumber/29JAN18----------------to create departure gate Number at PCC

2nd GC/GATE/PCC/20/29JAN18-/TMMAIN---- to associate the gate number and terminal Identifier.

   in this case MAIN is which we get from the terminal table of that pcc.

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