Help Notes for Agent!
Should BPP or BTP printing becomes interrupted the solutions are: (Next step should be followed, if the previous step doesn’t work)
1. Make sure the ATB and BTP shows online at the bottom of the screen.
2. Use the Interact Restore command from the print menu (CTRL-P) (the Sabre Host sends new pectabs to the printer, puts it at the top on the queue and causes the printing to resume as normal.)
3. From the Print menu (CTRL-P) Clear the print queue or ask ET support to clear the print queue, undesignate the printer then re-designate the printer and continue.
4. If all fails, clear the print queue, log out and exit Interact, turn off and on the printer and start over.
5. Engage the onsite CUTE support person to investigate.
6. Call the Sabre HD for assistance.
If all this step followed and doesn't work, please kindly find attached on how to send us the Sabre Log file for our investigate and possible resolution.