Married Segment Problem while Re-issuing ticket.
Unable to reissue VCR
on married segment
You may face request
reported from the users as “Unable to reissue VCR on Married Segments” and
please follow below guidelines to solve such problem:
1. Check the VCR’s RBD availability on the same date of
flight. Cancel the original married segments and rebook with the same RBD
(Please reserve as HL segment status if the RBD availability is zero and
confirm (KL)).
2. If you reserved the RBD with zero availability, please
KL or confirm as below:
ü SI¥; change your duty code to ¥
ü Open the PNR
ü .1KK, where dot (.) is primary entry, 1 is segment number to be confirmed and KL is segment status to which we are trying to change (confirm) = we are changing
from HL to KL.
ü ER – to end the transaction.
3. Advise the user after checking how sabre works.
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